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It is never too early for students to begin learning about economics. This primary economics unit guides students through topics such as the difference between wants & needs, goods & services, producers & consumers, choice, cost & benefit, and saving & budgeting. This resource includes 9 detailed lesson plans that are standards-aligned. Plus, this file includes both print and digital options to save you time and prep! Find everything you need in one place.




What's Included:

:: 9 Detailed Lesson Plans that are Standards Aligned

:: All About Economics (Google Slides & Print version)

:: All About Economics Fill in the Blank Booklet Version

:: All About Economics Mini Book Version

:: Wants & Needs Slide Deck

:: Goods & Services Slide Deck

:: Producers & Consumers Slide Deck

:: Reading Passage: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

:: Reading Passage: What is a Producer?

:: Picture Sort for Producers vs. Consumers (print & digital)

:: Picture Sort for Goods vs. Services (print & digital)

:: Wants vs. Needs Graphic Organizers

:: Personal Savings Plan Graphic Organizer

:: Am I A Consumer Today? Graphic Organizers

:: Analyze the Needs of a Country Worksheet

:: Life Application Scenario Cards (3 different age-appropriate sets)

:: Assessment (EDITABLE)


Detailed Lesson Plans:

This unit includes 9 detailed lesson plans that will guide you through using all of the materials included in this unit. The lessons are aligned to the Washington State Social Studies Standards, but the concepts can crosswalk to many different standards. I have also included an overview sheet to give you a quick glance at the learning objective and the materials you'll need.


Lesson 1: Introduction and Wants vs. Needs

Lesson 2: Choices Between Wants and Needs

Lesson 3: Goods and Services

Lesson 4: Consumers and Producers

Lesson 5: What is a Producer?

Lesson 6: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities

Lesson 7: What is Income and Saving?

Lesson 8: Saving and Budgets

Lesson 9: Cost vs. Benefits


All About Economics Booklets:

You will find an All About Economics Booklet in both PDF and Google Slides format. You can also print these and display as posters or use as anchor charts. You will also find a Mini Book version of the book, as well as an All About Economics Student Booklet that includes "fill in the blank" sections. The lesson plans will guide you through using this booklet.


- Wants & Needs

- Goods & Services

- Producers & Consumers

- Income

- Saving & Budgeting

- Choice

- Cost vs. Benefit


3 Complete Slide Decks (PDF and Google Slides):

This resource includes three separate slide shows. Each presentation provides picture examples and a statement explaining each concept.


- Wants & Needs with real-life examples

- Goods & Services with real-life examples

- Producers & Consumers with real-life examples


Reading Passages:

This resource includes two reading passages. Two differentiated levels are provided. Please note that informational text is often higher level due to vocabulary terms.


- What is a Producer?

- Consumer Rights and Responsibilities


Scenario Cards:

This resource includes 3 sets of life-applicable scenario cards. A digital option is also included with space for students to type their responses.


- Situations regarding saving and budgeting

- Situations of consumer rights and responsibilities

- Situations of wants and needs


Activities & Graphic Organizers:

This resource includes center activities in print format as well as Google Slides drag & drop versions.


- Picture Sort for Producers vs. Consumers

- Picture Sort for Goods vs. Services

- Wants vs. Needs Graphic Organizers

- Cost vs. Benefit Graphic Organizer

- Personal Savings Plan

- Analyze the Needs of a Country

- Am I A Consumer Today? Graphic Organizers



I have included a two-page assessment that is completely EDITABLE in PowerPoint. You can change, add, or delete any of the questions to better fit your student needs.


- True/False

- Multiple Choice

- Short Answer

- Make determinations concerning consumer rights & responsibilities


If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me prior to purchasing. I can be reached directly at

Primary Economics: Wants, Needs, Goods, Services, Producers, Consumers, & More

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