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Travel to Rome, Italy to learn about and explore ancient Roman entertainment venues! This virtual field trip is a great activity for older adults to promote intellectual wellness.


Perfect for an activity schedule, therapeutic recreation, or independent learning, this versatile activity is set up and ready to go. Using a combination of Google Earth™ 360-degree views, informational text, video, and visuals, this virtual tour covers Roman bathhouses, theatres, and amphitheatres. You will also receive a printable passport and stamp, word find, and map/informational sheet to help you create a more immersive travel experience!


This Virtual Field Trip Includes:

  • Video tutorials for setting up the Google Slides on a tablet or computer
  • Audio to read aloud the text on each slide
  • Dyslexia friendly font
  • Coloring page with map
  • Word find & answer key
  • Printable passport with glue-on stamp (great for motor skills)
  • Informational Text (build background knowledge)
  • Critical thinking response questions for discussion
  • Clickable links to Google Earth™ 360-degree views (view places up close!)
  • Clickable video links (average 10 min)


How it Works:

This virtual field trip can be conducted in several ways. It can be used as a whole group activity with an activity director navigating the trip as the "tour guide." Project the virtual field trip on a screen and have participants follow along with or without their own devices. This can also be provided as a therapeutic recreation activity, completed independently or with a caregiver navigating the trip. You can use this virtual field trip with those aging in place, in a hospital setting, or as a group activity. It is very versatile!



This virtual field trip is structured. This means that the informational text and links are meaningful and are meant to lead participants to think critically as discussion questions are included throughout. A printable word find and coloring map sheet are also included that can be handed out at the beginning or end of the trip or used as an extension activity.



This virtual field trip includes an easy to assemble printable passport. Step-by-step assembly directions are provided. The passport includes a personal info page for space to add a photograph. A printable stamp is included. Simply cut out and use a glue stick to add the stamp to the passport. This is a great way to incorporate motor skills. Add stamps to the passport as you continue to travel the world virtually!


This virtual field trip covers:

:: geographic location of the Roman Empire

:: Roman entertainment concepts and innovations

:: Baths of Caracalla

:: Baths of Diocletian

:: Aquae Sulis

:: Roman Theatre of Orange

:: Roman Theatre of Mérida

:: Arena of Verona

:: Colosseum



Please note that to conduct this virtual field trip you will need to access Google Earth.™ Google Earth™ can be accessed on a desktop using Chrome as the browser. If using a tablet or smartphone, simply download the Google Earth App before starting the virtual field trip. A step by step video tutorial is included as well as detailed written instructions. Tech support is included.


Benefits of Virtual Field Trips:

  • Provides opportunities for meaningful engagement.
  • Promotes intellectual wellness to promote cognitive function.
  • Rekindle memories of familiar places or knowledge.
  • Support autonomy by providing choice of virtual field trips to specific locations and time periods of interest.
  • Virtual travel is a great option for those with limited mobility or health issues. Explore new destinations or revisit favorite places.
  • Enhance emotional well-being and provide a sense of joy and fulfillment through virtual travel.


License Information: This purchase includes a single license. It is intended for use with one residency, community, and/or client group. If you wish to share this across multiple residencies or with your colleagues, please purchase additional license(s).


If you have questions, feel free to reach out prior to purchasing. Looking for another virtual field trip that you don’t see? Let me know! I can be reached directly by email at:


Thank you!

Michelle McDonald, B.A.E.

Social Studies Education, K-12

Elementary Education K-8

Europe: Roman Entertainment Venues Virtual Field Trip for Older Adults

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