Your school may be canceling the annual Veterans Day assembly this year due to COVID and distance learning. But that doesn't mean your students should forgo honoring our Veterans this year. Here is a simple service learning project that can make a big impact in 2020.
2020 Veterans Day Thank You Cards
Usually, I like to plan a time for my students to hand-deliver thank you cards to Veterans at a local assisted living, but that is not possible this year. However, students can still write thank you cards to be mailed instead. A thank you card can go a long way, especially in 2020 when it is difficult to visit friends and loved ones.
One of the six proven practices of effective civic learning is providing our students opportunities to apply what they learn through community service. While we can teach all about Veterans Day and the US military branches, our students can also apply what they learn through civic involvement. Providing opportunities for our students to participate in service-learning during 2020 takes a bit more strategy and planning, but making thank you cards is one community service-learning option that is possible during 2020.
Mail Personalized Thank You Cards
Your students may have family members or friends currently serving, or know someone who has served previously that they could write a personal card. Coordinate with parents to either get mailing addresses or have the cards mailed.
Mail Cards to Your Local Veterans Center or Assisted Living
Another option is to have your students write thank you cards which can be mailed to a local veterans center or assisted living. If you plan to mail a manila envelope of cards, be sure to call ahead to let them know of your plans. They can let you know of any guidelines to follow and this gives them a heads up to be on the lookout for your envelope. I've found that the staff at my local assisted living know which residents are former service members and are happy to deliver the cards accordingly. During this time of social distancing, a simple card can make a difference.
Grab this free set of foldable Thank You Cards to get started today.
Looking for additional Veterans Day teaching materials? Check these out.
