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Seven Wonders of the World Virtual Field Trip
Travel Etiquette Lesson Plan
Winter Holidays Around the World Collaborative Poster with Reading Extension
Mining Virtual Field Trip (Types of Mining, Underground Mine Tours, Minerals)
Caves Virtual Field Trip (8 Different Caverns with Google Earth Exploration)
Mount Rushmore Virtual Field Trip (U.S. Symbols, Monuments, Landmarks)
Crazy Horse Memorial Virtual Field Trip (U.S. Symbols, Monuments, Landmarks)
Petra Virtual Field Trip (Google Earth Exploration)
Indonesia Virtual Field Trip (Google Earth Exploration)
Supreme Court of the United States Virtual Field Trip
Lewis and Clark Expedition Virtual Field Trip (Google Earth Exploration)
The Dust Bowl: Virtual Field Trip
The Gilded Age Virtual Field Trip (Google Earth Exploration)
The Story of Plastic Movie Guide (National Geographic Video Series)
Plastic on the Ganges Movie Guide (National Geographic Video Series)
RMS Titanic Virtual Field Trip
Unsolved Mysteries: Lateral Reading Research Project
Civil Rights Movement: March on Washington Gallery Walk Activity
Women's Suffrage Bundle: PPT, Notes, Activities, Reading Passages, Analysis
World War I Comprehensive Unit: Slides, Guided Notes, Activities & More