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Take Your Students on a Virtual Tour of Ireland for St. Patrick's Day
With virtual learning underway, your usual St. Patrick's Day festivities and lessons might look a bit different this year. If you are...
Michelle McDonald
Feb 25, 2021

5 Digital Activities for Your Unit on Ancient Rome
If you are gearing up to teach Ancient Rome and are looking for some fresh or digital-friendly activities, virtual field trips are a...
Michelle McDonald
Feb 1, 2021

How to Foster Engagement With Your Ancient Greece Unit
It might seem mind-boggling how teens can spend hours on their screens outside of class, but it's a struggle to engage with content...
Michelle McDonald
Jan 2, 2021

How to Teach the Byzantine Empire and Keep Students Engaged in the Unit
I was chatting with a good friend of mine who is so graciously helping her granddaughter with school this year during remote learning....
Michelle McDonald
Dec 18, 2020

Take Your Students on a Virtual Tour of the Silk Road
Technology today has provided new ways to present information to our students. If you are getting ready to teach the Silk Road, consider...
Michelle McDonald
Dec 11, 2020

4 Exciting Virtual Tours to Ancient China
If you are getting ready to start your ancient China unit in your World Civilizations class and are now faced with remote learning or are...
Michelle McDonald
Dec 4, 2020

4 Exciting Lesson Activities for Teaching Ancient Egypt
If you're teaching an ancient Egypt unit for the first time, or if you are looking for some fresh and digital-friendly lesson plan ideas,...
Michelle McDonald
Oct 26, 2020

World Civilizations Digital Lesson: The Geography of India
If you gave your students a map or globe, would they be able to quickly point out the country of India? Before we can really dive into...
Michelle McDonald
Sep 30, 2020

Ancient Mesopotamia Activities for Your World Civilizations Class
One of the units of study that we cover in 6th grade World Civilizations is ancient Mesopotamia. When teaching ancient civilizations, I...
Michelle McDonald
Sep 22, 2020

Ancient Rome Digital Activity for World Civilizations
If you are looking for an engaging activity for your study of ancient Rome, this lesson is a perfect blend of technology, exploration,...
Michelle McDonald
Sep 15, 2020

Take Your Students on a Virtual Field Trip to Ancient Mesopotamia
I recently chatted with a teacher about how to cover the geography of ancient Mesopotamia while teaching virtually. Between navigating a...
Michelle McDonald
Sep 12, 2020

Picture Books for Teaching September 11th in Elementary
This post contains Amazon affiliate links to help you quickly find the books shared in this post. If you are looking for an...
Michelle McDonald
Sep 8, 2020

What is History and Why Does it Matter: Video Demo
If you hear the complaint "history is so boring," or "who cares about history?" Then this lesson can help. If students don't yet...
Michelle McDonald
Aug 25, 2020

Learn about the Ancient Phoenicians: A Digital Activity
If you teach World Civilizations, you most likely cover Ancient Phoenicia. If you are scrambling to revamp your lessons into a more...
Michelle McDonald
Aug 23, 2020

History: What is It? & Why Does it Matter?
One social studies question I get quite often at the start of the year is: "Where do I begin?" I believe that before we dive into our...
Michelle McDonald
Aug 18, 2020

3 Fun Digital Activities for Teaching Ancient India
Teaching ancient history can be engaging, interactive, and full of critical thinking without a lot of fuss. I just wrapped up 3 complete...
Michelle McDonald
Aug 11, 2020

Free Virtual Field Trip to Ancient Egypt Valley of the Kings
Are you looking for an engaging way to teach social studies? If you have just a textbook or lack materials, virtual field trips are an...
Michelle McDonald
Jul 27, 2020

Ancient Civilizations Resources for Blended Learning
Ancient civilizations are usually one of the early units taught in World Civilizations courses. With back to school season here and so...
Michelle McDonald
Jul 21, 2020

Anti-Racism Resources for Teachers
It's been a heartbreaking time in America. The death of George Floyd and the many other tragedies of BIPOC leaves me feeling angry,...
Michelle McDonald
Jun 6, 2020

10 Interactive Notebook Tips for Your Social Studies Class
Do you want to try interactive notebooks in your social studies classroom but are worried about the cutting and gluing getting out hand...
Michelle McDonald
Jun 1, 2020
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